Since the one air show we were planning on going to prior to my departure for V2 this spring was canceled on account of the base being busy keeping the supply lines open to the front lines in Afghanistan, Miranda and I took a trip down the road to Goldsboro to get our jet noise fix courtesy of the Strike Eagles at Seymour Johnson AFB. In doing so we found what has become my new favorite BBQ place in NC, Wilbur's n highway 70 in Goldboro. The pork was good, but the ambiance makes it. We hadn't been there 10 minutes when our lunchtime conversation was interrupted as the building began to shake and the air filled with a deafening roar, the unmistakable sound of two F-15Es taking off with their Pratt and Whitneys at full power. Gotta love it! We followed up lunch with an afternoon sitting just outside the fence along the runway, watching jets come and go...some people spend their spring break at the beach, I prefer a cornfield next to a fighter base : ).

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