We hatched a plan to go have a picnic in the snow over at Lake Crabtree, which could be reached entirely by foot along one of our local greenways. We donned our cold weather hiking gear (which as you may imagine gets little use down here) filled up my new thermos with vegetable soup, rousted the hound from her slumber on my bed, and headed out into the wintry goodness. There were a suprising number of people out on the greenway, many with sleds in tow, as even the slightest slope was being turned into a sledding hill.
It took us an hour or so to make it to Lake Crabtree, where we enjoyed our soup, and of course, took more pictures.
Miranda enjoys some soup during our wintry picnic. By the way...if you ever decide to go for a walk in a snow storm, and want to bring some warm soup along....I highly recommend a Thermos brand thermos. Definitely burned my mouth with the first sip, even after an hour of it sitting in the thermos strapped to the outside of my bag!

To give you an idea of how much snow there was, I took a picture of one of the benches with the accumulated snow on top...we probably ended up getting about 3-4" from the storm, not too shabby by NC standards.

In addition to soup, trail mix was also on the menu, and Dixie wanted a sample. Apparently the two biscuits she'd had by this point were insufficient!

A view of the greenway heading toward the lake.

The picnic shelter where we had lunch. Miranda is surveying the lake while enjoying her soup.

Between the two pictures below, I managed to catch Dixie in mid-sneeze....note the facial expressions.

It was still snowing pretty hard while we were at the lake, as evidenced by this picture, although it began to let up shortly after we left, and was pretty much done by the time we got home.

One last shot of our intrepid explorers braving the frigid fracas.

What better way to end a day of playing in the snow than with a nice nap in the sun on a warm bed!

Thus ends our wintry adventure for 2009. We ended up with around 4 inches of snow, although it was already starting to melt by the time we made it back to the apartment. There may be some lingering effects though, as threats of black ice as the snow melt re-freezes has already closed many area schools for tomorrow, and State has canceled classes until 10AM. These effects shouldn't linger too long though, as temps should be up into the 50s by the weekend. But for now, we're enjoying our little taste of winter!